Shutting Down the Chromatography System (SmartShutdown)
Selecting the Mode

The next wizard step takes you to the Select Mode for Timebase <name> page. This page allows you to select the mode (i.e., whether you want to Shut down the system or Set the system into standby mode).


The Select Mode for Timebase <name> tab page is not available if the system includes a DP/SP. If the DP/SP is off or if the flow rate is set to 0, the system will be set to shutdown mode. If the DP/SP flow rate is > 0, the system will be set to standby mode.

If you want to shut down the system, you must specify whether your mobile phase includes a buffer under Mobile Phase includes Buffer. If you select Yes, Chromeleon issues the warning You cannot shut down a system containing buffers in the mobile phase! and aborts the process to prevent damage to the columns through salts that crystallize when the flow is interrupted. Make sure that the mobile phase no longer contains a buffer before you continue configuration of the shutdown program. To continue the shutdown process, select No.

Clicking Next> takes you to the next wizard page.

For an overview of how to create a shutdown or standby program using the SmartShutdown Wizard, refer to How to …:  Shutting Down the Chromatography System (SmartShutdown).